Saturday, October 22, 2011


( 13 October 2011 - Thursday )
HELLO, people !
We meet again.

This time we are going to inform you about the LBC's achievements that we got from Curriculum Night Award. This activity is organized by HEP where it is an annual activity which presenting some creative ideas of clubs whose have passed the audition on 11st October 2011.

So sad, guys! Why? because we're still not pass the audition. lol. Its joke! For this audition, we're sent a band to our representative which is Hydro 2 Oxigen (H2O) . THANK YOU to them!

Then, we proceed to the awards. Below is the list of achievement we got, that are :

  • most initiative club award
  • most organize club - 2nd runner up
  • most active club - champion
  • best president - champion
  • best club adviser - champion ( Ms. Rahiza )

Beside this award, we're served with the selected interesting performance. Some of them are dancing, singing and not bad in band performance too. WOW, it is superb! And it ends around 10.30 p.m with joyful and very entertaining.

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