Sunday, May 22, 2011


assalam and hey, there!

This entry is ready to report you about the latest tournament, our open tournament. as you know, this tournament is opened only between students and college staff. It will be organized by the Student Affairs in cooperation with the LBC. 

This competition was conducted on Saturday, 7 May 2011 in Ampang Superbowl, Seremban Parade, near here. Although there are many problems on that day,but competition can proceed successfully.

For the student participants (from college), they have provided a bus. They were asked to gather in place that have been notified at about 12:45 noon. Bus has been departed  to the arena about 1 pm and had reached within half an hour later.

Little briefing was given and the game has began at 2 pm. very challenging!
There are many problems and constraints have emerged. Also, there were some misunderstandings before the competition, but it has been fixed with all of our efforts to did not disappoint the participants. Thanks for your patience and perseverance, the game had begin at 2:10 pm for technical reasons.

During the competitionvariety of styles were on view. check our gallery! Competition has ended about 4.30 pm. YESSS, finally succeeded! We are very grateful. so glad!

CONGRATULATIONS to all winners! for those who not in good luck, do not worry, its OK! try in next tournament. Congratulations also for members of the committee who is always bear the challenges with us.

For this opportunity, we want to give double a million thanks and appreciation for all your cooperation and support, either directly or indirectly. Highly appreciated!

Thank You, all!

reporter: LBC's creative team

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